What I Use

As some scenes from a memory, I remember that so many years ago, there was a section named “What I Use” in my favorite technology website of Paul Thurrott, in which he kept a list of software programs, apps, and gadgets that he used regularly in his personal and professional life. Indeed, that list was so beneficial for me to know a wide range of available software programs to satisfy the needs of my everyday activities at work and home.

Here, I will try to keep an up-to-date list of software programs that I heavily use every day without any problem in both of my professional activities in Scientific Computing. In fact, this list demonstrates a set of freely available software packages that everyone (such as a student, scientist, developer, etc.) can take advantage of in his/her work-day and regular activities.

General tools

Operating System Ubuntu 22.04
Desktop Environment GNOME
IDE Visual Studio Code, Eclipse
Advanced Editor Atom, Pulsar
Typesetting TeX Live, Texmaker
Office Suite WPS Office for Linux, OpenOffice
Reference Management JabRef
Web Surfing Firefox
Email Client and Calendar Thunderbird (with Lightning extension)
Document Viewing Foxit Reader, Okular
Image Editing Pinta
Vector Graphics Design Inkscape
3D Graphics Blender
Multimedia VLC Player, SMplayer
Music Streaming Spotify for Linux #BoycottSpotify
Video Editing Shotcut, Kdenlive
Audio Editing Audacity
Screen Recording OBS
Interactive Whiteboard OpenBoard, Gromit-MPX

Scienific Computing tools

(detailed list can be found in my research technology radar)

Numerical Computing GNU Octave
Finite Element Solver FreeFEM, Firedrake, FEniCS, Code Aster
Finite Volume Solver OpenFOAM
Post-processor ParaView
Mesh Generation Gmsh, Netgen, TetGen, CGAL
Mesh Manipulaion/Partitioning Mmg, MeshLab, METIS, ParMmg
HPC Preconditioner/Solver PETSc, HPDDM, Hypre, MUMPS